Locked Down Brothers


"Ty" (Tyrone) Chacon


Currently incarcerated in The Federal Correction Institution, Terminal Island, CA.


Ty's projected release date is: 11-10-2024.  We are currently in an appeal process.


Ty is 5'6, 230lbs. currently bench pressing 545lbs. and 505lbs. for reps of 6, with 300+ "burpies" each morning after 0600 wake up.


Married 26 years now, with 5 kids, ages ranging from 19-25 year in age.  Ty is also a Grandparent.


He is furthering his education by attending credit/GED classes.


Please, show your support by dropping Ty a letter, or offering what you can to help support his basic needs while incarcerated!




Please refer to the following link for all correspondence and dontations.  You will need to copy/paste this link into your browser, and follow their guidelines from there:
